Saturday, December 5, 2009

Movie Review: The Box

This recent movie the box is a retling of a older story. Where on a day like any regular old day you receive a package which contains a Button and two thing will happend when it is pushed. First someone somewhere will die. Second you will inherit a payment of $1,000,000 dollars (A large sum of money).

In the movie your put in the shoes of a young American family back in the 1970's. they wake up early one morning to find a box resting on the doorstep. Inside is a black box with a clear dome covering a large red button. Latter the wife meets a gentlmen who informs her of the "Offer" and gives them 24 hour from then to decide. during this time the husband and wife are not allowed to tell anyone about it. They (as would anyone) could use the extra money for themselves and there family. But would they kill a stranger for it? And what kind of Person would run such a operation?

When I think about it there are two good storyies you could tell with this, the thoughts of the person holding the button and the story of the said person to die from it.

You could have the person looking at many different aspects of how this deal affects the person, how he/she thinks and feels which would lead to there conclusion. The show followed closer to the second of the two. which leads to more of the curiosity of the mechanics of the operation and the people who function within it.

There is a twist to this tale but just like the details will remain unsaid at least for now.and befor you go I would like to ask. (which you probably could see coming from a mile away) Would you push the button?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While that sounds like an interesting "What If" idea for a story, I would be appalled should such actually be a situation in real life.

"Would you push the button?" I read that as "Would you be willing to be the deciding factor for a life or death decision of a complete stranger, and would a large sum of money make the difference?" To me it is a wrong and twisted game at that level, and one I would refuse to be a part of. I would neither choose to push the button nor to not push it, I would return it to the sender with a much-controlled "Unwanted gift. Next time read the sign at the door which says 'No Soliciting'!!"

Sure, there could be extenuating circumstances. It may even be blessing on both sides. The death may be some elaborate set up where someone is painfully ill and bedridden. They wish to be allowed to die but the ill's family in unwilling to respect their wishes and so The Button method is installed to let someone else decide, where they would get to inherit the million dollars that would otherwise be used to extended a painful life. But that should be worked out by the family and not by the chance of a stranger who does not know the circumstances.

No way, no how, is right to murder. And make no mistake, the one who pushes the button is murdering by their own hand the one who dies as much as the one who administers the choice.

Now turn it again: What would you choose to do, Scott, and why?